Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Love Letter to Angela

While cleaning up old online stuff, I stumbled across this post from our wedding site.  It made me chuckle (again) at how true it still is 4 1/2 years later.  I love you Angela!

Our wonderful officiant, Bethel, wanted us to write love letters to each other in the days before the wedding, to be delivered back to us on our first year anniversary. The idea is to help us remember the feelings we had for each other right as we began our lives together.  Here's my first draft.  For some reason it was rejected.  

Dear Poophead,

I knew from the moment we met that we were destined to be stuck together forever. Sitting here now, trying to envision what life with you will be like a year from now, with 12 months of betrothal trodden beneath our feet, I'm struck by how long our courtship has been and how much water has flowed beneath our proverbial bridge. In two short years, we've accomplished what takes most couples a lifetime. With that in mind, I set out to faithfully record all the things I might wish to say to you on our first anniversary. Here goes. I promise to to always say "yes, my love" and keep the rest to myself. I promise to love you despite anything you might say. I promise to eat your cooking, disregarding ingredients named "meatless chicken" and "Quinoa". I promise to listen patiently as you rant about your day in painstaking detail, stifling any urge to offer the simple solutions that seem so obvious to me. I promise to support you when you stumble even when it was me that pushed you in the first place. I promise to feed you when you're hungry as quickly as I can. I promise to pretend to be interested in talking even when reruns of Firefly on are the TV. But, most of all, I promise to try to make you laugh every day and to love you with all my heart forever.

Love always,
Your Poor Husband
posted Jun 29, 2010, 2:38 PM by David Coon

Monday, April 13, 2015

Woolly Bully Restoration - Painting the Head

Coat on, coat off.  Finished priming the walls and cabinets this weekend.  Was hoping to get a first coat of Brightside over it too but got distracted with other projects.  Rolling worked well.  I still think spraying would cover better in the nooks and crannies but I'm too lazy to tape everything from the oversray.  Below is 1 coat of Epoxy Primekote on the walls/cabinet and 5 coats of Interprotect 2000e in the bilge.  

Next up is plumbing, cabinet face, toilet pedestal, and floorboard(s).  I still need to mount backing boards for the y valve and macerator.  Oops, should have done that before priming.  I'm waiting until the new holding tank arrives to fix the final location.  Tank will go just on the other side of the two holes on the left.  The clamps are holding the counter under-laminate which was popping loose.

I'm still undecided about the design for the pedestal and floorboards.  I'm debating between Coosa (expensive but will last forever) and marine ply.  You can just see the mid support in the photo above.  Below is the old board to use as a template.